Monday, May 6, 2013

Look who turned ONE!

From Molly...

Sorry it has been so long since we have updated.  Simon is doing well, not much has changed recently from a medical standpoint, still having 
surgery every 4 weeks or so.  The surgeon ordered some tests and once those are done, we will decide what the next step will be.  We sought a second opinion from Boston Children's Hospital, where they have a program 100% dedicated to Simon's condition.  They have one suggestion for a treatment which has not been mentioned by our doctors, but they gave the impression that our surgeon was doing pretty much exactly what they would be doing.  So while going there isan option, Akron Children's has provided the most amazing care, and there really is no reason to at this time to make such a drastic change in his care. 

Simon turned ONE on April 14!!!  I cannot believe he is one already.  I never knew that time could go so quickly, yet painfully slow at the very same time.  He had an amazing birthday, and enjoyed his cake very much :) .He has four teeth, with more on the way any day now.  He is crawling all over the place, and pulling himself up to stand, though he seems in no hurry to start walking... and that is just fine with me.  

I will be sure to update as soon as we have some news about our next step with the surgeon.  Our appointment is on May 13th, so hopefully we leave that day with a concrete game plan.

Thanks so much for caring about and praying for our little superman!!