Thursday, October 4, 2012

Update from Molly about Simon

Molly sent me this today!  Helps when she sends exact info as I am bad at keeping up with the medical terms.  I am sure Molly wishes she knew none of this, but she is definitely the expert!

Simon's doctor is really trying to find a solution to get the esophagus to stay open so he doesn't have to operate so often.  So in 2 weeks when we do this again, he is going to try injecting a steroid called kenalog directly into the scar tissue in his esophagus.  The hope is that this will slow the stricture so we can spread the procedures out  bit.  If that doesn't work he is considering going back in and cutting the whole piece of scar tissue out and repeating the repair.  This is obviously not what we were hoping for.  The surgeon said he has never had a stricture that he could not get to stay open with dilation, so he is pretty frustrated too.  I know he has Simon's best interest at heart and will figure out a solution.  All the things he has mentioned are things Boston Children's hospital does everyday... they have a program which is entirely dedicated to esophageal atresia.  It is also where Dr.  Foker (the Dr who came up with the procedure that grew his esophagus so it could be repaired) practices.  Anyway, the point is, Dr. Soldes WILL figure it out, I have no doubt in my mind.  

Look who started on cereal!!!!!!  I am thinking he likes it! : )  Since he is gifted (LOL) he feeds himself already!

Here is just a happy, lazy day!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's that time again

Simon is in need of his routine surgery again.  This will be the norm for the indefinite future.  Poor Simon's little opening in his esophagus just does not stay stretched enough to stay open without surgery.  He still has the little string from his nose to his throat that he has makes sure it is open at least the width of the tube.  I would day that tube is no thicker than the center of a Q-Tip. After the surgery, when the esophagus is dilated it is 3cm in diameter for the opening.

So back to Akron Children's they go tomorrow for the surgery.  Simon did much better recovering the last time.  It takes a couple days to get the anesthesia out of his system and then he feels good until a day or two before his surgery. When he needs the surgery he is not feeling so well.  So today is a long day for Simon and Molly as they await the surgery tomorrow.

I visited with Simon 2x last week.  Both times he was super happy and full of smiles!  He is rolling around a bit and it seems like he has so much he wants to tell you!  I just love him so much!!

Blogger is acting up today, but I have pics to upload.  I will add them soon.

Please pray for Baby Simon that they do a great job on his surgery tomorrow!  It's getting into cold and flu season and both of these things would be really bad for Simon to catch.  Please keep him healthy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Surgery Again

Poor Baby Simon has had a rough week or so.  As you know he needs the surgeries every couple weeks to open the tube (aka his esophagus) and make it easier to swallow, etc.  Simon was ready for that surgery last week and actually sounded like he had croup he was so closed up.  Today they finally did the surgery.  He did well and is in recovery as I type this today.

Simon has been very busy with various therapy appointments, I don't have the details yet but will update when I get them from Molly.  I am sure we will also get some 5 month stats, he will be 5 months already next week!!

Here are some recent pictures:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Poor Baby Simon

Simon came down with his first illness, sounds funny to say about a little guy who knows the hospital better than any where.  He came down with croup.  Molly reports that he pretty much barks all night....they feel like Simon is a puppy.  In better news he is up to 11 pounds!!  That is a full 7 pounds since birth!

Next week they go to a gastro doc at the Cleveland Clinic to get some needed relief for the reflux.  I feel badly for Molly when people say, "oh I get it, my child has reflux too."  Where truly, we don't get it!  Reflux for baby Simon and his condition is HORRIBLE!!  Molly and Clint knew this going into everything and it is not a surprise, but poor baby!!  Imagine your worst case of reflux ever...then start multiplying.  

His next surgery is this coming Wednesday, September 5th.  Please pray that Simon does well.  This is another routine surgery to open the width of the esophagus.  These will continue for quite sometime.

Simon is smiling all of the time, starting to giggle.  He holds his head up so well.  I have never seen a kid make the eye contact Simon makes.  He also happens to have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.  Of all people I know, Molly has the bluest eyes....her brown eyed baby however, has eyes of beautiful shiny glass, I can't even describe!  I hope everyone gets the chance to look into his little eyes.  Molly and I sound alike when we talk so I can fool Simon for about 30 seconds that I am her so he gives me some great stares.  

Here is some info on the Baby Simon team for the walk on September 23:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Baby SImon

Not much to report as Baby Simon is just growing and changing more and more each day!

Here is Baby Simon after a long day of medical appointments, clearly he is stressed out! haha!!

He continues to have surgeries every couple weeks to be sure the esophagus is open.  It is stretched long enough from the main surgeries.  Now it just needs help being wide enough and that must happen quite frequently.

Molly is getting involved with the NICU at Akron Children's as Team "Simon Says" will be taking part in the "Walk for the Babies" on Sunday, 9/23 at 9am at Akron Children's.  Let Molly know if you'd like to walk with Simon's team!  Should be a great event.

Can you believe how much he is growing each day?  Sorry the pictures are screen shots, the facebook app is terrible now and this is the new way, for now! ;)

Monday, August 13, 2012

More fun at the Simon Fundraiser

Thanks to Ron McAvoy our event was on the blog at St. Paul Church.

Here are a few more pics...I still have more to upload...

Here is Molly and baby Simon!  I have one of the 3 of them...and check out the St. Paul blog too!  (sorry Clint.. :)

Our raffle ticket tables were filled with amazing items!  Thank you to all who donated and congratulations to all of our winners!!!

 This is Mary Ellen and myself, we helped plan with the event with a few of Molly's friends too.  It was a lot of fun....but what a day!!

This is Simon's FAVORITE nurse from the NICU, Lindsay!  She attended the event with her parents!  I have to admit the NICU is an amazing place, but even better when she was there when I visited.  She just loves Simon so much...and everyone loves her!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Thank you!!

The event for Baby Simon and family was held last night at St. Paul Church.  The amount of prizes donated for the raffle was amazing!  Everything from gift cards, to a photo session, golf, Corn Hole for kids, princess basket, gift wrap, movie night, wine, pasta, and so much more!!  We also held a 50/50 raffle with the winner taking home over $400!!

We had around 300 people attend!  THANK you to everyone who came and thanks for all the messages, we know everyone is busy and its hard to get away!  A DJ came and donated his time which was great background music.  The food was so kindly donated by Guy's Party Centre, Italo's Pizza, and Parasson's.  We had so much help from so many people to pull this event off which resulted in an extremely successful event for Baby Simon, Molly & Clint!

I keep getting calls today and e-mails for those who missed the event and would like to donate.  The pay pal address is   THANK YOU!!!  The donations have far exceeded what we even thought could be possible.  The kindness of friends, old and new was overwhelming.  The members of St. Paul Church who attended and supported the event was so nice to see. It's so true, there are no better neighbors than those who live in Firestone Park, the best place we've ever lived!!  The kindness of friends who have never met Molly, Clint, or Simon but attended to show support because of a connection through a family member or friend really meant a lot to all of us.  THANK YOU does not seem like its enough.  After the event last night I was thinking about times when people say, what is one of the favorite days of your life or a really awesome experience?  I can honestly say I've been blessed with amazing experiences, opportunities, and adventures.  However, last night ranks up with one of the very best.  The kindness of a community, both locally and extended counties away....and kind donations from states away, means the world to our families.

I have a few pictures but will have more soon.....if you have any from the event, please e-mail me at and I will upload them here.  Thanks!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Simon's Event featured in Beacon Journal

Please see the article in the Akron Beacon Journal today!

Hope to see you Friday!

Please say some prayers for Simon as he is having surgery this morning.  We will update on how it goes later.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Surgery #2

Simon will continue with his surgeries to dilate his esophagus this week. On Wednesday he will have this done again and likely every month.  The purpose of this is to continue to open up the esophagus.  Molly mentioned the other day she knows it needs done again as he can't really spit up right now, so she knows the space is getting tighter in there at this time.

Simon has had a little bit of issues with this feeding tube.  He had to have it worked on in the ER the other night as it was bleeding and is infected.  He has to have this in for a while.  The good news is that he almost always eats by bottle and does great.  I fed him a bottle on Friday!!!  He did great and is just a PERFECT baby!  So beautiful and just such an awesome little guy!  He is 9# 13oz now as well!!

The big day is Friday!  Simon's Fundraiser at St. Paul Church on Brown Street in Akron.  We will be in Boeke Hall...this is on the far side of the school and church.  Look for the balloons! :)  Thanks to everyone who has sent messages that they are coming, who have already donated, and whom are helping with donations, etc.  We really appreciate it!  See you Friday, Aug 10 from 4-8pm at St. Paul.  I hear there will be a very special guest of honor in attendance!!!!  Keep your fingers crossed he bounces back from Wednesday's surgery!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Molly sent over an update...Simon is up to 9 lbs 11 ozs, which is the 5th percentile. He's eating well, he and the dog are getting along. He loves to ride in the car, he goes right to sleep. Clint is staying with him all by himself next Sunday, that will be a first. Surgery seems like it will be every 3 weeks or so.  I notice Molly also mentioned that Simon gets up to eat in the middle of the night and just goes right back to sleep, what a perfect little man!

The surgeries will be to dilate the esophagus. It is an out patient surgery, Simon had #1 of these on July 16th and did very well!

 Plans for Simon's fundraiser are really coming along!!  We hope to see you there. If you know you are going to attend please reply on the Facebook Event at or feel free to e-mail me at  We just want to do our best on the planning side of things!
We will post the amazing list of raffle prizes, etc. soon.  The list is great!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Next Surgery

Simon will have his next surgery on Monday, July 16th at Akron Children's.  The purpose is to dilate his esophagus.  This was scheduled before he left the NICU to come home and is one of the necessary things for Simon and his condition.

Simon will be 12 weeks old on Saturday!  He is in the 3rd % for weight at 9#5oz and for height 10th % at 23 inches.  He looks great though and the Dr. is not worried!  Molly's friend Athena had a baby at about the same time that Simon was born, they look comparable in size!  I think Simon will be just fine with his little peers in no time.  He looks amazingly healthy!

So keep Baby Simon in your thoughts and prayers over the weekend!  Molly and Clint are getting their time in now for being full time mommy and daddy minus all those nurses and machines!  So far so good!

If you visit, please be extra healthy and no kiddos around Simon yet.  He has to be germ free for all his surgeries and he still has wounds, etc. from all he went through.  Molly will hand you purell, so be prepared! :)

Thanks for all the support of the August 10th fundraiser for Baby Simon!  We are so excited to have this event to help out for the care he has received and will continue to need.  Hope you can join us!

I am leaving for vacation so I hope I can find wireless to update on the surgery Monday!  It will be good news, I just know it!

Here are some pictures from my visit with Simon..

 I waited almost 3 months to hold him!  It was hard to leave him!
 Can you say EYE CONTACT?  That boy is a looker!  Wow, what a little guy!
 Look how little he is! :)  Such a good baby.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

81 Days later...

Baby Simon in HOME!!

Here he is on his first car ride!

So tonight Molly, Clint & Simon will sleep under the same roof for the very first time!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Simon Says "GO HOME!"

We have been hiding a little secret just to make sure it was official, but Simon is coming home!!  Thursday is the big day.  Molly & Clint had a goal of the 4th of July, which was all but laughed at by the surgeon at one point.  However, this little miracle man is ready!

Thank goodness for the shower we had a couple weeks back.  Clint and Molly are all prepared and ready!  Simon is coming home!
On a completely selfish note, we get to hold him now too!  Today my mom held him and she even posted on FB about it!  If you know my mom, she hates FB, must have been quite the moment!  So excited, we've all waited so long.

I am getting lots of e-mails if Molly & Clint need meals, etc.  I think this is great!  Feel free to e-mail me and I can keep you in the loop.  Let's see how things are for a while.  I think they just want to pretend to be normal...but then once that wears off we can go from there!  :)    My e-mail is

I will be sure to post some homecoming pictures later this week!  Happy 4th!  Simon will be thrilled to celebrate his NICU independence!

Fundraiser for Baby Simon...Save the date

Please feel welcome to join us for a Baby Simon Fundraiser.  The event invite is via Facebook at   However, if you don't have a Facebook Account feel free to e-mail me at

The event will be on Aug. 10th from 4-9pm at St. Paul Church in Akron (Brown St & Misson Drive)

Donations are appreciated and accepted at the door.  We will have dinner, drinks, raffle prizes, 50-50 and more!  Come out for a fun summer night, while supporting the care and medical expenses of Baby Simon.

Please just let us know if you have questions. A pay pal account is being created as well for those who wish to make a donation but are unable to attend.  I can also send you an address.

If you know any business who would be interested in making a donation, just let me know.  We are also looking for a DJ.  Thanks!

Look who weighs 9 Pounds

Simon takes bottles now!  He is doing well and potentially has a little reflux, but we knew that.  Just have to hope it does not get any worse.

FINALLY, after almost a month, Simon is able to be held!  Molly went to the NICU at midnight last night to hold him!  They said Tuesday and she took them up on it.  He looks great and seems happy.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

First Bottle because of GREAT news

Simon had testing done today and the connection of the esophagus was a SUCCESS!  NO LEAKS!
So already Simon has had his first bottle...

He did not take much but not a big surprise!  He still has the feeding tube in his belly so he is getting all he needs. The difference soon will be that he can take his nutrition via mouth or the tube, depends how quickly he gets the hang of things.

Save the Date

We are planning a fundraiser to offset the costs of the medical care for Baby Simon.

Please save the date of Friday, August 10th from 4-9pm at St. Paul Catholic Church.  I will link a Facebook Event to the blog in the next couple of days.

We are looking for raffle prizes and donations of food and drink from local businesses.  We are in the process of seeking those items.  If you have a connection to anything that would possibly get a donation please let us know.  Mary Ellen McAvoy is leading the event with the help of many of Molly's friends, etc.

Mary Ellen can be reached at


Baby Shower Time

The scheduling of a shower for Baby Simon has been a long journey.  In fact had we not determined to cancel the original date of April 14th (which just happens to be Simon's Birthday) it would have been a crazy day!  Waiting proved to be best!  After a happy week with successful surgery and a much healthier Simon...who had his ventilator removed while we were at the shower, the timing seemed perfect!  Simon, when ready to come home, will have everything he needs!  Thanks everyone for coming!


Room 2

Simon's condition has improved enough that he has moved to room 2.  Remember there are rooms 1-4.  Simon had to go from 4 to 1 after surgery.  Slowly making progress!  He looks amazing this week, very healthy and much happier!  Hopefully more news soon about the repair.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Baby Simon

Have had the pleasure of visiting baby Simon the past few days.  He is really looking good and strong.  He is still on the morphine so the tube is still in his throat and all of that, but the nurse said he is being taken slowly off of it and has not needed extra doses or anything.  He wakes up when I visit and looks right into my eyes and just smiles, he is precious!  Poor kid, Molly and I sound alike so he likely thinks it is Molly for an early AM visit.  I just assume he wakes up because he loves when I visit :)   The nurse and I were giving him all kinds of compliments this morning about how handsome he is and he just smiles!  Oh, he melts my heart!

So it is a waiting game now until they can test the repair and make sure it has no leaks, etc.  As soon as Molly updates me on all of that I will be sure to post.

Molly looks so rested and calm!  Finally, the break they all deserve with a successful surgery!

I was thinking this morning while having a chat with Simon, we were all arriving in Florida a year ago today to kick off the wedding festivities for Molly and Clint.  What a difference a year makes!  Molly and Clint will celebrate their 1st wedding anniversary on Wednesday, June 27th.  While I am sure they envisioned their toes in the sand this weekend, or maybe a fun trip to we are!  Simon could not have better parents who are so strong and love them and each other more than anything!  So hopefully a year from now that exciting anniversary celebration can happen...and of course I will babysit Baby Simon...or take him from anyone who thinks they are going to watch him (yep, talking to you Debbie!)  Just kidding!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Post Surgery Update

Yesterday Simon had his surgery to connect the esophagus and stomach.  For the last 11 days Simon has been in a forced "paralyzed" state.  He has been laying on his side and sleeping.  The point of this was after the 1st surgery, which was not successful, to allow the area to stretch out.  Simon handled this fairly well.  He had a couple of very scary moments as being forced in this position was not easy on his lungs.  He is very swollen and looks very sad.  It is hard to recognize the beautiful baby you all see in the pictures we've posted.  Hopefully we will see that same baby return in the coming days.

So the surgery was successful yesterday!  Everything is connected as it should be.  Simon will remain asleep for the next few days to allow things to attach and all of that good stuff. Once he is awake there will be some tests done to make sure that there are no leaks or anything.  So we are over the major hurdle of attachment. Next we wait and see how well it was attached and go from there.

That is all I know at this point.  Once I have more we will be sure to post.  Molly & Clint took a moment away from the hospital for a well-deserved celebration dinner last night!  I am not sure they've been away for more than a few hours in weeks!  Simon is one lucky little guy!  He has also proven once again what a fighter he is through all of this, he has been through more in 60 some days than most of us will in our lives.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!  I know they've kept everyone going through this and the power of prayer once again shines through with Simon's great day yesterday!  This week both of grandma's of Simon have a birthday....I think they have the best gift ever after yesterday!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Poor Simon

Simon had a rough and scary day yesterday.  Laying on his side is tough on his lungs.  I visited today and he definitely looks like he has been through so much.  Molly wishes she was sedated and on her side for the next few days as well.

The good news is that the gap has decreased by 1.5cm already, goal is 3cm.  So things are moving along nicely there.

Not much to say at this point, it is a painful waiting game at this point.  Please pray for Simon, Clint & Molly.  This is all so much at once.

Hopefully we will have surgery details by this time next week.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Molly reports that Simon is still doing ok... We've had a few scary moments today, but he recovers. They surgeon was in twice today and says we are making progress already. I mistakenly said they were stretching his esophagus; they are actually stimulating its growth. This is the first time this has been done at Akron Children's, so we will see how it goes.

So an X Ray this morning shows that compared with yesterday there has been 1cm of growth.  They were aiming for 3cm in 10 days.  This is GREAT news as it is already working!  Molly is hoping that the rapid growth continues and that Simon is able to have the surgery sooner than later.  

I called to check on things and Molly was finally home resting.  She and Clint have been alternating 4 hour shifts.  I told her to turn her phone off and sleep!  I am sure she did not listen, but at least she was attempting to rest.

I hope to visit tonight or tomorrow morning and will learn more about his condition at that time.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

From Molly....
"Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and checked in on us today. I am having a really hard time getting back to everyone, but please know it's appreciated. Simon is doing ok, but he is in very serious condition. We ask that visits be limited to family for the time being. He has an open wound and is being kept paralyzed... His immune system isn't fully developed yet and he cannot get exposed to anything. Thanks for understanding."

In case you have not heard, the surgery was unable to be completed.  This means Simon, as stated above is in need of some prayers.  Plan B is to try again in 10 days while the surgeons did something to allow the esophagus to stretch itself in order to be repaired.  I remember Molly telling me about this particular procedure.  She was dreading it knowing that Simon would be in the condition he is in right now for 7-10 days.  However, I recall her saying this procedure, if successful, has an amazing long term success rate!!  So, me being the positive on, although easier said that done in the last 24 hours, would like to believe all of this pain and struggle will make way for better results in the very near future.

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts for Simon and his family.  I will try and update as much as I can from Molly over the next few days as I know she is overwhelmed with keeping everyone updated.  However, your care, prayers, and love mean everything to everyone right now.  Thank you!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

So Much news

Sorry, end of the school year is forcing me to neglect the adventures in Simon's life.

Well, tomorrow is the big day!  Surgery Day!  We all can't agree more that Simon looks stronger than ever and has grown to over 7 pounds.  Molly and Clint are so busy with things so I may stand corrected on some of the info which I will share.  Tomorrow the surgeons will perform the surgery about 10:45am.  The 1st step is to remove the surgically placed feeding tube in his abdomen.  This will allow the stomach to "float" more freely and hopefully move even closer to the connection with the esophagus.  What is not connected will be surgically repaired.  This, as you can imagine, is a very delicate surgery will take several hours.

Simon will return to his newly private room where he will not be able to eat for 7-10 days as the connection will need to be checked for leakage, etc.  From there, stay tuned as I am not sure what happens.  It appears a month stay in the hospital is next after the surgery.  This could be shortly after 4th of July that Simon will be home.
Last night Molly and Clint held a baptism for baby Simon.  A priest from St. Francis DeSales met everyone at the hospital.  Simon was wheeled out of the NICU into a beautiful room at the family center.  He only needed his g-tube and a portable monitor.  He did great!  He had lots of friends there!  His God Parents Aunt Shannon,  Aunt Beth & Uncle Mark.  His grandparents were there and his Aunty Nancy and Aunt Mary Ellen too!  It was a beautiful night.  I will upload pics later.  Here is just one...

I love that the family has now moved to "arguing" over who will hold Simon and play with him etc.  I think this means we can finally see the light at the end of this.  Not to down play the importance of tomorrow or the struggles and challenges ahead, but I think peace was the theme last night and we all know Simon is going to be okay and his strength, all of our prayers will win out in the end.

We will post surgery updates tomorrow.

Please, please pray for Simon!  Please pray for the surgical team.  May they have their best day on the job EVER!  May they be guided to fix our little guy and make him all better!  Pray for Molly and Clint and the grandparents as they wait tomorrow, as we will all wait tomorrow, for the long surgery to come to an end.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The luck continues...

Molly and Clint learned today that the surgery will take place on the morning of June 8th!!!  WOW, that was fast!!  Prayers for the surgeon and his team, may they do their BEST work ever!  Prayers for little Simon may his strong little body do great and the attachment take place with no issues!!


The news we've been waiting for...

Sorry to keep you waiting!  Between taking the weekend off the computer and in complete over joy and full of prayers of thanks...on behalf of Clint and Molly, I am proud to announce the procedure on Friday was a complete success!  Simon will be scheduled for the esophagus repair/connection in the coming weeks.  He is ready right now but getting OR time for the surgeon, assembling the team in which he wants to be there, etc. will take a little bit of time!  Patience for our little patient is the key right now.  The upside of waiting is likely the gap will be even better by the time they go in and repair everything.

They measure the distance between the esophagus and the stomach by vertebrae. He is 3.5 vertebrae away from closing the gap. The surgeon was hoping for 3, but once the feeding tube is disconnected from his belly it will allow his stomach to move around, whereas right now it is tethered to the outside wall of this abdomen.  This combined with the weeks of waiting should make for a smaller distance for making the connection.  Also, not to mention 3 vertebrae on 6# 9oz Simon is about the distance of 1 of our vertebrae on our backs.

                                  Simon is praying for all of you and says thanks for your prayers!

Thank you for all the prayers for Simon!  Hopefully the next couple of weeks is full of growth on Simon's behalf and Clint and Molly preparing for his late summer arrival to his home.  Hopefully Molly will see the Dr. this week and get an idea of the date of surgery.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Prayers Needed

Molly had whirlwind morning in the NICU as she was told that TOMORROW, May 25th is the "explore" surgery to see if the gap between his esophagus and stomach has decreased. It is a very simple procedure using dye for the surgeon to visualize the gap.  The complicated part is the result and knowing if and when the big "connection" surgery can take place.  

He has grown from 4# 1oz to 6# 3 oz...and likely gaining more as I write!  Growing on the outside is not a problem and he looks amazingly strong.  Now we have to learn if the inside is growing and growing as well!

Please say a prayer for Baby Simon.  Please let the surgeons bring good news to Clint & Molly who so deserve it!  The days in the NICU are LONG and TIRING, and poor Baby Simon so wants to come home.  Don't get me wrong, he looks so comfy and is in love with a few extra special nurses.  Actually, I think they are in love too!  I can't blame them, we all are, he is the best!!  But it is time for all of this to be resolved and for this brand new little family to get home!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  The surgery takes place at about 9:45 am on Friday.

Here is a pic of Simon from this week, clothes are his new thing!  He looks like a baby now and less of a preemie!

 The glare was bad, but last night I stopped by the NICU for a little Simon time.  He as resting
so nicely.  He was dressed in this little football outfit, the light was too bright to get a good shot.  

Just when I thought I had Simon all to myself, Molly and Clint came back from a nice, well-deserved dinner out at House of Hunan!  Molly has been craving that since she was on bed rest.  It was so nice to see Clint, I never visit in the evening when he is there.  He is the positive and upbeat one, keeps everyone else that way!  He is the best!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Big Week!

Simon had his first photo shoot by Molly's photographer friend, Amanda from MC Life Portraits!  She has quite the gift for photos and did Molly & Clint's "Ohio" reception last July.  Ask Molly about her if you need photos, she does amazing work!

 Take a look, he is quite the ham.

 Yawn, you ladies love me!!

Look at tube for just a minute!
(Thanks Photoshop and the talented Amanda!)

Last week Molly & Clint were told Simon could sit in the swing!  He also wore his first outfit.

Over the weekend Simon hit the 6 pound Mark.  The Doctor's are very pleased with his growth and hope all of this will mean good things and that the surgery can take place in June!  Please pray!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Molly celebrated her first Mother's Day with Baby Simon!  She learned being born in April has its advantages...DIAMONDS!  Clint surprised her with a little something sparkly for being mom to the most adorable little baby around!

Here is Simon on April 14th the day of his birth.....  4# 1oz.

Look at him now...

Simon is up to 5# 11.5oz and is 20" long!  
The goal is to grow and he is on it!!

**Have to verify that weight will Molly and will update...I am sure he grew more since Sunday, I am behind in blogging! :)