Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's that time again

Simon is in need of his routine surgery again.  This will be the norm for the indefinite future.  Poor Simon's little opening in his esophagus just does not stay stretched enough to stay open without surgery.  He still has the little string from his nose to his throat that he has makes sure it is open at least the width of the tube.  I would day that tube is no thicker than the center of a Q-Tip. After the surgery, when the esophagus is dilated it is 3cm in diameter for the opening.

So back to Akron Children's they go tomorrow for the surgery.  Simon did much better recovering the last time.  It takes a couple days to get the anesthesia out of his system and then he feels good until a day or two before his surgery. When he needs the surgery he is not feeling so well.  So today is a long day for Simon and Molly as they await the surgery tomorrow.

I visited with Simon 2x last week.  Both times he was super happy and full of smiles!  He is rolling around a bit and it seems like he has so much he wants to tell you!  I just love him so much!!

Blogger is acting up today, but I have pics to upload.  I will add them soon.

Please pray for Baby Simon that they do a great job on his surgery tomorrow!  It's getting into cold and flu season and both of these things would be really bad for Simon to catch.  Please keep him healthy!

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