Thursday, April 26, 2012

Simon's 1st Graduation

Molly & Clint received good news very early this morning, Simon graduated back to the NICU Room 4.  What does that mean?  There are 4 rooms in the NICU, Room #1 being for the babies who have the most Room #4 who are the NICU babies who are in the best of health...for the NICU! :)

  Simon is now in room 4!!!!

Here is Simon in his new room! : ) 
Can his legs be any longer?  Can you say 6 foot 5.  His toes and fingers are SO long, too cute!

So this is very good news!!  He looked strong and happy when I visited yesterday.  He was laying on his side and smiling...especially at Grandpa Conger.  He also had a massive diaper yesterday....very good news.  It was nice to see him off the lights and free of goggles.

So it looks like the week is ending better than it started.  Your prayers and good thoughts are working!!  Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. That is such great news! I am so happy for Simon! Congrats on you graduation!!!

